If you live in the city, the chances of a killer bee attack are slim to none. However, if you’re out in the woods camping or hiking, you expose yourself to the possibility of being stung by bees.
The Africanized Honey Bee (AHB) has been tagged the killer bee because of reports of bee attacks on humans. What makes them different from other honeybees is their propensity to swarm and attack even when unprovoked. These bees have been found in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.
If you encounter a swarm of killer bees, here’s how to defend yourself.
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Stay away from the beehive
A bee generally doesn’t attack unless it feels threatened. The way you can threaten a bee is if you are near its hive. If you chance upon one, walk slowly away from the hive.
AHBs like to build their hives near water sources, such as canals and ditches, so take precaution when you’re in these areas.
Avoid standing close to a hive. Attacks can occur even if you are as far as a quarter mile away from the hive. When walking in the woods, avoid making too much noise. Sometimes, Africanized Honey bees attack because of the vibrations and noise generated by the humans.
Wear the proper safety gear
If you’re hiking outdoors, wear a long sleeved shirt and pants. If you handle bees, then it’s best to wear a bee suit that protects your entire body. Never attempt to go near a beehive unless you are a professional and you have the proper safety equipment with you.
Run for safety
Keep moving if you start getting attacked. Don’t swat the bees since this will only aggravate the situation. Run the opposite direction of where the bees are coming from, since this is likely the farthest distance from where the hive is located. Also, don’t run in a straight line, but rather in a zigzag manner to confuse the bees.
Go to a bushy area
If you run through an area that has a lot of bush or tall weeds, you’re more likely to lose the bees.
Jump in the water
Most experts will tell you to avoid jumping in the water since the killer bees may wait for you. If there are no other options available, seek refuge in the water. If there is a lake or pond nearby that you can submerge yourself in, go ahead. However, be prepared to stay in the water in case the bees decide to wait for you till you get out.
Call the pros to remove the hive
If you find a hive near where you live, call a pest control professional or a beekeeper in your area. Never attempt to discard the hive yourself. Unless you are a bee expert, there’s no way of knowing if the hive belongs to regular honey bees or the a AHB colony. In the meantime, keep your children and pets away from the area.
Take these precautions to avoid getting attacked by a killer bee. If you do encounter a swarm, remember these safety procedures. Keep you wits about you and let your instinct for survival kick in.
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