How To Set the Hook when Trout Fishing
Ah, to fish. Nothing beats the pleasure of sitting on a river bank, holding a fishing rod and waiting for fish to take the bait for a prized catch. Fishing is a favorite past time by most Americans and this activity selects no season for even in winter, some peopleContinue Reading
How To Tie the Fly Fishing Line to the Backing
Have you already attached the backing to your reel spool? Then, you should prepare for your next task. You should tie your fly fishing line to the backing. You can effectively do that by creating an Albright knot. Here are some instructions to help you out: Hold the end ofContinue Reading
How To Use Shiners to Ice Fish
The fine art of ice fishing requires a smidgen of fishing skill, a superhuman resistance to cold and a lot of patience. When a pond ices over, the best lure to use to catch fishes would be shiners. Game fishes will jump at the chance to go after shiners soContinue Reading
How To Use Hackle Pliers in Fly Tying
Fly fishing is a method of fishing which engages the use of an artificial fly. The fly anglers throw hooks, which have materials attached to it such as feathers, foam, fur, and other similar types to take the place of the more traditional baits of worms and others. It hasContinue Reading
How To Use Wet Flies or Dry Flies
If you enjoy fly fishing, then you know that it is essential that you learn when to use what type of bait. Knowing when and how to use either wet flies or dry flies can mean the difference in a successful fishing trip or one wherein you don’t catch anythingContinue Reading
How To Find Horseback Riding Camps
From coast to coast, there are many different horseback riding camps all around the country. Whether you live in California or Maine, you are sure to find one that is near you. The best way to find horseback riding camps is to turn to the World Wide Web. A simpleContinue Reading
How To Longe Train a Horse
Horseback riding can be a dangerous activity both for you and the horse. Because of this, it is necessary to train the horse properly, to maintain safety at all times. One of the best trainings you can give to a horse longeing. Though regarded as a simple exercise for theContinue Reading
How To Maintain a Leather Saddle
Having a trusty leather saddle is a must when you are riding your horse. Imagine riding your horse without it – it will certainly be a bumpy ride. If you want to make your saddle last longer, you should learn how to maintain a leather saddle. Here are a fewContinue Reading
How To Clean a Saddle Pad
It stinks all the time—no matter how many times you wash it. Saddle pad will still smell so nasty. But at least, cleaning it will make your horse and yourself comfortable. Who would want to sit on a dirty pad, anyway? Fortunately, cleaning the saddle pad doesn’t have to beContinue Reading
How To Mount a Horse Sidesaddle
Horse-riders make mounting a horse look so easy but if you are a beginner, you know it’s not as easy as it seems. It will take practice but as you go along it will get easier. Now when it comes to mounting a horse sidesaddle, here are suggestions to goContinue Reading
How To Make a Camp Kitchen Box
Camping is an all-time favorite past time and usually, camping means cooking your meals on site, unless you are perfectly happy with protein bars and beef jerky. In order to make camping life a bit easier, you need to have your own kitchen box which can be used for storingContinue Reading